CS2 Resolution & Refresh rate fix

Don't see a resolution or refresh rate that your monitor supports in the Counter-Strike 2 settings? In this guide, we will show you how to partially fix this problem.

Invalid Date


Change CS2 graphics settings to what you desire before starting this, you will not be able to change them later because it will revert your resolution every time you change a setting and you will need to repeat the procedure below.


  1. Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\<your steam>\730\local\cfg.
  2. Open the cs2_video.txt file.
Here we will edit these values
  • setting.defaultres
  • setting.defaultresheight
  • setting.refreshrate_numerator


# FullHD
	"setting.defaultres"		"1920"
	"setting.defaultresheight"		"1080"
# 4K
	"setting.defaultres"		"3840"
	"setting.defaultresheight"		"2160"
Or others you prefer.

Refresh rate

Values for"setting.refreshrate_numerator"
  • for 60 Hz: 59954
  • for 120 Hz: 119908
  • for 144 Hz: 143889
  • for 165 Hz: 164822
  • for 240 Hz: 239815
  • for 360 Hz: 359723
If you want to calculate values for other refresh rates, you can use the constant 999.23. Using this constant, you can calculate values for refresh rates other than those listed here. For example for 60 Hz: 60 x 999.23 = 59953.8 and after rounding you get 59954.


After changing the values, save the text file and run CS2. The game will still display the wrong resolution and refresh rate in the settings. However, you can ignore this as you are now playing at the desired resolution and refresh rate. Do not change any graphics settings or your resolution will revert back to the in-game settings.
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